We share the belief that the best way network providers can drive faster innovation is to introduce openness and programmability into all areas of the network, including the optical arena. Windstream has been elected as a member to the Open ROADM, a multi-source agreement forum that defines compatibility standards for optical networking gear.  We’re also a founding member of the Open XR Forum

To support our transparency mission, as we continue to create advances with ZR+ and other technologies, we’ll be sharing these findings and results so that others can contribute and innovate with us.

Windstream is committed to:

  • Driving innovation in disaggregated L0/L1 solutions at the very edge of carrier networks
  • Contributing to transceiver interoperability in both greenfield and brownfield environments
  • Managing tradeoffs between proprietary performance / efficiency and openness / interoperability
  • Developing software solutions for managing open networks.

“The thing that stood out is just the level of transparency with the Windstream engineering team.  It felt like a lean but focused team that can adapt and react quickly to issues. This mindset and ability helped to move things forward and get difficult things done. I don’t think a lot of organizations are set up to do that.  The team was able to move quickly, to make a sound, technical decisions and say yes we’re going to do this, and let’s go execute on it.”

Acacia Communications, Inc.