Buddy Bayer

President, Windstream Enterprise
and Wholesale business unit

“I think we can do what we do for customers because our entire organization embraces our fast and flexible mentality and culture in a very real, everyday way.”

Art Nichols

VP Architecture & Technology

“Wayne Gretzky used to say he was successful because he’d skate to where the puck was going to be. I feel like we’re successful for the same reason. It’s very fulfilling to be part of an organization that is so driven by customer and market needs.”

John Nishimoto

VP Wholesale Products, Marketing, Business Development

“Everything we do is aimed at making it easy to connect to our network, leading in the optical technology space and making it incredibly easy to work with us. We’re really focused on building a customer experience around our three strategic pillars.”

Joe Scattareggia

EVP Wholesale Solutions

“I take a lot of pride in the Windstream Wholesale team. They are truly capable of amazing things, and I get personally motivated when they are recognized by things like the Best North American Wholesale Carrier award…and this is just the beginning!

Mike Allen

VP Wholesale Sales Engineering

“I love that we’re there with our clients through the whole process. We help them clarify the challenges, define a solution, identify new network routes, install technology and exceed customer expectations. What’s not to like when the customers say, ‘you can do that?’”

Trey Allen

VP Wholesale Sales

“When we lead the way in optical technology and focus so intently on where wholesale customers are going to need new infrastructure, it makes my team’s job pretty easy. We get to spend our time on the relationship because the rest is already there.”

Mike Crimmins

VP Carrier Services

“Staying ahead of the innovation curve and continuing to be a leader in optical technology –helps drive my team forward. Customers want to be with someone who is “best in the business.”

Monther Hammoudeh

VP Transport Engineering & Operations

“There’s a lot of trust across our team. There has to be. When someone makes a promise to a customer, they have to trust that we’ll deliver on that promise. We trust each other to get the job done.”